Nicole Haddad Nicole Haddad

Final Week

Overall this project has started me on a much needed path of self improvement which I am super grateful for. I have enjoyed challenging myself and while I did have some rough points like my concussion I persevered and continued trying to reach my goals. I did not make my original goal of 175lbs but I did get close, weighing in now at 170. However I was very consistent with my exercising. I want to the gym at least four days of every week, which was something I had never consistently done before. Overall, this was extremely beneficial to my health and mental well-being.

This project also gave me an opportunity to pick back up some old hobbies like golf and basketball. I will attach a video below of me on the links with some friends. Looking forward to continuing on my journey!

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Nicole Haddad Nicole Haddad

Week 7

As we are approaching our second to last week of the project I am now starting to look back at how far I have come in such a short period of time. Realistically I will not meet my weight goal but I am proud of where I got too and plan to continue on until I reach my goal.

Weight Status : Gained 2lbs this week, Meal prep continuing to stay consistent

Mental Wellness: Feeling great had a wonderful Dads Weekend with my fraternity. Seeing my dad was awesome especially hearing how proud of me he was for being so great recently academically and the gym.

Week 6 Routine:
Day 1: Back and Biceps
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Chest and Triceps
Day 6: Easter egg hunt

The photo attached is one of the recipes I used for my meal preps.

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Nicole Haddad Nicole Haddad

Week 6

Week 6 was Easter week and a really busy week for me school wise. I had two exams that accounted for a big portion of my grade and I spent my Monday through Thursday over stressing and not leaving myself enough time to calm down and reflect. I only made it to the gym three days this last week partially also due to Easter. I would never workout on a holiday because as my mother would say that’s un-christian!

Weight Status : Gained 1lb this week, Easter brunch did me right.

Mental Wellness: As for now I feel great and am im in a wonderful head space just need to not over stress when it comes too school. Going home for the weekend was a much needed break.

Week 6 Routine:
Day 1: Back and Biceps
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Chest and Triceps
Day 6: Easter egg hunt

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Nicole Haddad Nicole Haddad

Week 5

For week 5 I continued to feel fabulous however I started to notice a bit of plateau when it came to the weight I was lifting. By this week I thought I would be able to move up in weight because I have gained about nine pounds but I have a feeling that might take one more week because i’m still in recovery. Ive been getting super into golf and played twice again this week and while its not the most physically demanding sport its still great exercise. I also made sure to hit the sauna every day this week to sweat out all my fun I endured over spring break.

Weight Status: Only gained 1.5 pounds this week did not do well on my meal plans because my mom came into town.

Mental Wellness: The plateau of my weights did bother me but i’m continuing to remind myself its just a bump in the road. Otherwise hobbies like gold have been keeping me very content and I’m happy with my physical progress so far.

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Nicole Haddad Nicole Haddad

Week 4

For week 4 it was definitely my most physically demanding week simply due to the championship basketball game we played for our fraternity league along with 2 games of golf paired with four days in the gym. I have continued meal prepping well and have been hitting my calorie goal every day which is just as important as making it to the gym for my minimum four days a week.

Weight Status: Up another three pounds this week.

Mental Wellness: Now that I am a full month into giving my all in the gym and exercise whatever it may be I feel the best I have physically the whole time and it seems I will keep feeling better and better if I stay on track. Ive regained a lot of confidence as well and have now found myself excited to enter the gym instead of being reluctant.

Week 4 Routine:
Day 1: Golf and Back and Biceps
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Chest and Triceps
Day 4: Shoulders and Arms
Day 5: Basketball with the boys
Day 6: More golf

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Nicole Haddad Nicole Haddad

Week 3

It all begins with an idea.

Week 3 of my wellness journey has certainly been my best week physically and mentally. I have begun meal prepping properly to give myself the nutrients and calories I need to reach my weight goal.

Weight Status: Up three pounds this week!

Mental Wellness: The issue I had last week of not working out intense enough has definetly been fixed I believe because of my improved diet and because my head injury is fully recovered.

Week 3 Routine:
Day 1: Back and Biceps
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Chest and Triceps
Day 4: Shoulders and Arms
Day 5: Basketball with the boys

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Nicole Haddad Nicole Haddad

Week 2

It all begins with an idea.

Week 2 had a late start because of my concussion but I still was able to get to the gym three times throughout the week.

Weight: I gained back the 2-3 pounds I have lost the week prior and am feeling good.

Mental Wellness: Feeling rejuvenated after last week using the sauna but getting in the right mindset of pushing myself to my limits can still use some improvement otherwise i’m happy with my progress.

Day 1: Back and Biceps
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Chest and Triceps
Missed Day 4: Shoulders

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Nicole Haddad Nicole Haddad

Week 1

It all begins with an idea.

Week 1 began with a minor setback because I got a concussion playing basketball which prevented me from exercicing for about 10 days. So I decided to prepare myself for the next upcoming weeks the best I could by clearing my head and riding my body of toxins by using the Sauna at the Lifetime here in Dallas.

After this week of using the sauna about three times my body feels like its brand new and im definetley ready to get back in the gym however I did lose some weight which is not good for my goal. I lost about 2.5 pounds however, I believe the majority of the weight loss is water weight from sweating so much in the sauna.

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Nicole Haddad Nicole Haddad

My Goals

It all begins with an idea.

Ive always struggled with consistant exercising or staying in the gym. My goal for this semester is to better my mind through physical development.

Weight Goal: 175 lbs

Weekly Goals: Minimum of 4 days in gym along with a separate cardiovasuclar workout.

Plan and Timeline:

Weekly Check ins: Photos or videos to check in on my mental health to see how
I have improved

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